東京都の行政書士グローバルハブITO / Immigration Gyouseishoshi Lawyer GLOBAL HUB ITO in Tokyo Japan
- 相談無料
- 全国対応
Feel free to contact us for the first free consulting in English!
We support your dream or problem-solving in Japan.
【For English, please scroll down.】
皆様のお話をじっくりお伺いし、ご希望 お悩み、お困り事に対応するために必要な手続き等のご案内、実情にあった解決方法を、ご提案いたします。皆様の一番身近な相談相手として、ぜひとも弊事務所をご活用ください。
幅広いネットワークを活かして他の行政書士を始め、 弁護士、司法書士、社会保険労務士、税理士など他士業の専門家とも連携し、一気通貫、ワンストップで皆様をサポートできることも弊事務所の強みです。
✧米国University of Notre Dame国際平和研究所修士課程修了(全額支給奨学金で修士号取得)
✧ 帝京大学法学部専任講師(国際経済法、国際政治経済、米国政治等を教授、学生の進路指導に従事)
You can rely on us for any immigration services in Japan.
If you have anything, please feel free to contact
"Immigration Gyouseishoshi Lawyer GLOBAL HUB ITO".
Our office is located in Minato-ku, Tokyo, the very center of Japan, but we are available online anywhere in Japan, even abroad, both in English and Japanese.
When you apply for visa, status of residence in Japan, you, the applicant, basically need to visit the immigration office with various required documents prepared according to the complicated Japanese immigration rules. So, it is better for you to leave it to us, Immigration Gyouseishoshi Lawyer, the certified immigration application agent qualified by the Immigration Services Agency of Japan Justice Ministry, for easy, speedy and smooth application process. First, if you entrust it to us, you can save the time and energy without going to the immigration office and preparing the required documents including translation into Japanese by yourself. Also, you can consult with us to see if your desired application meets the Japanese rules and to have the best solution for permission of application.
Companies who employ foreign workers can also ease the burden of management of necessary application, notification and support for them if you leave it to us. In addition, our professional support must promote recruitment and settlement of foreign workers as attractive employee benefits for them.
Immigration Gyouseishoshi Lawyer, professional well-versed in international business, will advise you on case-by-case basis, according to your individual circumstances, sincerely offering you our one-stop consulting services from visa application to the various procedures required after obtaining permission including residential support based on your life design.
Carefully listening to your story, we propose the best feasible solution to your request tailored to your actual circumstances.
As your closest reliable advisor, we are certainly at your services.
"Japanese administrative procedures are complicated! I don't understand them well!!."
"I'm not sure if I can handle the visa application process on my own."
We often hear things like this from foreigners and people in charge of employing foreigners at companies in Japan.
Offering the services both in English and Japanese, we understand that the rules, regulation and procedure of Japanese government, especially the Japanese immigration ones, are very complicated, hard to understand even if you are native speaker. In fact, we often regret to say, “You should have told us earlier.”Besides, understanding these rules and procedures well, there are many companies who have difficulties in dealing with foreign workers.
As Immigration Gyouseishoshi Lawyers have a duty of confidentiality by law, your personal information and consultation details will not be disclosed to third parties.
For the clients protection, we have Professional Liability Insurance, too.
Besides, as we are also working as the Registered Support Organization for Specified Skilled Worker licensed by Immigration Services Agency of the Justice Ministry of Japan, we ensure the reliable expertises to support accepting and employing foreigners.
If you have anything, don’t hesitate to contact "Immigration Gyouseishoshi Lawyer GLOBAL HUB ITO"!
Greeting from Representative
I run the Immigration Gyouseishoshi Lawyer GLOBAL HUB ITO with my passion that I want to function as “global hub” to connect the dream of foreigner to Japan, supporting the foreigners who wish to realize their
Japanese dream such as working, studying, setting up business in Japan, international marriage with Japanese, as well as the Japanese who wish to realize their dream with foreigner, working and studying with them in Japan, based on my expertise gained by many years experiences of international cooperation, education and capacity development of foreign countries, both at government and private corporation, in Japan and oversees. Also, I have strong empathy as foreign resident, worker and student abroad, who have always wanted someone’s help as stranger there, which enhances this passion. In addition, my large network of contacts with other professionals including Attorney, Judicial Scrivener, Tax Accountant, Labor&Social Security Attorney allows our office to offer you more beneficial one-stop support service system.
Just in case, I share my career with you as follows for you to find any interface with me there, hoping it helps realize your dream or solve your problem.
If you have anything, please feel free to talk to me, either in English or Japanese.
I will do my best for your happiness by realizing your dream!
Profile of Representative
Graduated from:
✧Waseda University in Japan (LL.B)
✧University of Notre Dame Graduate School in US (MA in Peace Studies with full scholarship)
✧Sophia (Jochi) University Graduate School (MA in International Relations, PhD candidate).
Worked as:
✧Research Associate of Institute of International Relations of Sophia (Jochi) University
✧Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Special Assistant to Minister of Japanese Embassy in US (Research & Analysis of US and international situation)
✧Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Special Analyst to International Information Bureau (Research & Analysis of US and international situation)
✧Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Advisor in Syria & Jordan (Management of many projects incl. Business management training of small & medium-sized enterprise, vocational trainings, capacity-development of foreign government)
✧Consultant of many oversees project of Japanese & foreign government (Management of projects incl. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Consumer Affairs Agency, Victoria state of Australia, in the field of education, human resource development, telecommunication, corporate governance, Afghanistan humanitarian assistance)
✧Project Manager of Cabinet Office project of Utilization of Foreigners (Filipino) Conducting Housekeeping Services in National Strategic Special Zones in Tokyo and Kanagawa.
✧Assistant Professor in Faculty of Law of Teikyo University (Offer lectures incl. International Economic Law, International Political Economy, US Politics, English, and career guidance of student)
✧Principal of Japanese Language School accredited by Justice Ministry (Management of the ISI affiliated school with some 500 international students in Tokyo, qualified as ClassⅠAppropriate School.)
- 住所
- 〒108-0073 東京都港区三田3-7-13-1103
3-7-13-1103 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
- 業務
- 永住許可申請
- 在留資格ビザ
- 帰化申請
- 渉外相続
- アポスティーユ申請
- オーバーステイ・在留特別許可
- 再入国許可
- 国際結婚
- 日本国籍取得
- 外国人による会社設立
- 外国人労働者の採用相談
- 就労ビザ
- 特定技能ビザ
- 対応エリア
- 全国
- 電話
03-5484-8727(FAX共) / :TEL・FAX +81-3(5484)8727 ※
- 営業時間
- 事務所に不在の場合は留守番電話にご連絡先とご用件をお残しください。
Pease leave a message with your name and telephone number on our answering machine in case of our absence. We will call you back later.
- 代表者
- 代表行政書士 伊東惠子
Representative Keiko Nagai - ITO
Member of Tokyo Metropolitan Gyouseishoshi Association, Minato Branch
Immigration Gyouseishoshi Lawyer accredited by Immigration Services Agency of Justice Ministry of Japan
Registered Support Organization for Specified Skilled Worker accredited by Immigration Services Agency of Justice Ministry of Japan
Designated Gyouseishoshi Lawyer for Administrative Complaint Agent
- 料金の目安
- 料金に関しましては、お問い合わせの際に弊事務所の料金表を送付し、ご依頼内容に応じてお見積りをご提示いたします。初回のご相談・お見積りは「無料」です。
Regarding our fee, we will give you our price list at the time of first inquiry, and then, offer official quotation according to the contents of the individual request. The first consultation and quotation are free of charge.
- その他
対応 エリア/Area of Business
東京都および全国 / Tokyo and Worldwide
東京都・近郊以外は原則オンラインでの対応となります。/ We have you online if you reside outside Tokyo and neighboring prefectures.
主たる業務/Our Main Business法務省出入国在留管理庁から認定されたバイリンガルの申請取次行政書士が外国人に関する以下の業務を行います。
Immigration Gyouseishoshi Lawyer with national qualification can assist foreign nationals in all aspects of their lives in Japan, including residence, naturalization, study abroad, employment, marriage, and setting up a business as follows both in English and Japanese:●在留資格認定・変更・更新申請
Obtain status of residence/visa, renew your period of stay, change your status of residence.●日本企業による外国人の雇用・受入
Assist Japanese corporations for employment of foreigners in Japan.
(Obtaining employment visa incl. Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services, Specified Skilled Worker (SSW), Skill, Intra-Company Transferee as well as consulting on how to support their life in Japan. Support operations for foreign employees incl. SSW, preparation of necessary documents, as well as supporting company to insource them.)●日本の大学、大学院、専門学校等への留学
Study abroad in Japan.
(Obtaining student visa as well as consulting on applying to school incl. university, grad school, professional training college in Japan.)●日本の企業等への就労
Work in Japan.
(Obtaining employment visa incl. Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services, Specified Skilled Worker, Skill, Highly skilled professional. and relevant Specific Activities visa incl. Specific Activities for, job hunting, No.46, as well as consulting on applying to company in Japan.)●日本における外国人の起業
Set up a business in Japan.
(Undertaking the procedures to start and run a corporation incl. Japanese language school, NPO, obtaining business manager visa, governmental permission and subsidies for opening business, preparing and translating necessary document incl. business proposal, contract, article of incorporation etc.)●外国企業の対日投資手続き
Undertake the procedures for a foreign company to invest in Japan.●外国人家族の呼び寄せ
Bring your family to Japan.●日本への永住許可
Live permanently in Japan.●帰化・日本国籍取得
Naturalize and become a Japanese citizen.●国際結婚、離婚、養子縁組、相続
Advise on international marriage, divorce, adoption, and inheritance.●その他、外国人に関することなら何でもお気軽にご相談ください。
Anything will do to consult us if it is related to foreigner other than above-mentioned.